Review Sessions

Live review sessions will be held each week in order to:

6pm AZ time

Add to your calendar:

To make the best use of sessions I recommend starting labs ahead of time so that you can come with questions.

For those that cannot attend recordings of each session will be posted below.

Feel free to schedule virtual office hours as well.

Week 0 - Wed Jan 13th

Introduction to the Course

Passcode: #Myh6Xy!

Week 1 - Mon Jan 18th

Passcode: m5sJY$cm

Week 2 - Mon Jan 25th

Passcode: 5.Y1f$T6

Week 3 - Mon Feb 1st

Passcode: Fhh*4*2B

Week 5 - Mon Feb 15th

Passcode: Nq44j&f0

Week 6 - Mon Feb 22

Passcode: fj^w=93q

Week 7 - Fri Feb 26th

There were no questions for the review session on Friday, so no video.

If you have any questions about material on the review please post to the discussion board.

I am available for office hours Monday or Tuesday.

The exam is designed mostly for an opportunity to review content so that the big picture will become clear. If you have done well on labs throughout the semester and felt good about material you should be OK on the exam. It is designed to be integrative, not onerous.

Expect questions like, which estimator is appropriate for a specific research domain? Or, explain the difference in the interpretation of b1 when X is continuous versus when X is a binary (treat=1, treatment=200mg caffeine) dummy variable.

heart_rate = b0 + b1(caffeine) + e     
heart_rate = b0 + b1(treat_dummy) + e

The exam focuses on questions that test your ability to apply core concepts to the specific context of the study.